Here’s a playlist of classical guitar music played by yours truly. (Also, not on the playlist are some original noodles I did on a steel string acoustic guitar.)
Though I play music for people all the time, and I teach people how to play guitar, and I have contributed a tiny bit of music for a soundtrack, I do not call myself a musician. Writing and filmmaking are my vocation, guitar playing is not. But it is something more than an avocation.
And here’s a video of me playing Brouwer’s Etude No. 1.
And here are all the posts that contain the above files. Some of these posts have text that relate in some way to the music. Some don’t. Check them out if you have a minute.
Leo Brouwer, Etude No. 1, MUSIC VIDEO shot by Peter LaMastro.
Heitor Villa Lobos, Prelude No. 2, recorded in the VCCA corn crib.
Heitor Villa Lobos, Prelude No. 3, recorded beside a creek in Wyoming.
Chopin, Prelude 28 No. 7 for guitar, recorded in the garden at Blue Mountain Center (on a magnificent Robert L. Vincent classical guitar).
Tarrega, Lagrima, recorded in the boathouse at Blue Mountain Center.
Tarrega, Adelita, recorded in the boathouse at Blue Mountain Center.
J.S. Bach, Prelude, Cello Suite No. 1, recorded in my living room. Video shot by Andy Bowley at Arcosanti.
J.S. Bach, Prelude, BWV 999, recorded in the silo at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.
Purcell, Minuet, recorded in the field at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.
Satie, Gymnopiede No. 1, recorded in my apartment.
Logy, Aria, recorded in my apartment.
If you have questions or comments about the music, or want to learn how to play the guitar, contact me.
Aaron Thornburg
Thanks for sharing !!
David Licata
My pleasure.