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- You can tell a friend about the film and/or the blog. Who to tell? I have no doubt other filmmakers would find A Life’s Work interesting, but folks interested in space and technology, architecture, the environment, and American roots music might find the film and the information I post interesting.
How does leaving a comment or liking the Facebook page support a film that is still a work-in-progress?
If you’re still reading this, you are one of the influential early adopters. You are a trendsetter, someone in the know. Your friends want to know what you’re reading and what films you’ve seen. You have the power to spread the word about A Life’s Work just by showing that you’re interested in the film. You can be pivotal in helping this small but ambitious work secure funding and after that, an audience. My pitch to grantmakers and producers becomes more persuasive when I can tell them a fan base is already established, when I can show them an active blog and FB Fan page.
What Do You Get Out of It?
The second you leave a comment you have become engaged not just with me, but with the film, the film’s subjects, and the people who are checking in on the film via these various portals. You have contributed to something bigger than yourself. You have become part of a community and a vital contributor to a work of art. If you contribute financially, even just $5, you get the tax deduction, but you also become a patron of the arts, and that is something to be very proud of. And if you give $5, you get my eternal thanks and an origami crane in the mail. Not a virtual one, a real paper origami crane made with my own hands. More money gets you more stuff.
A Life’s Work is a sponsored project of the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), one of the country’s most respected not-for-profit arts organizations.
What Does “Sponsored” Mean?
“Fiscal Sponsorship provides individual artists, artists’ collaborative projects, and emerging arts organizations in all disciplines with the ability to apply for funding and other resources usually available only to organizations with 501(c)(3)nonprofit status.”
Niall David
This is a very cool project. I’ll be interested in hearing more. Thanks for the comment on my photoblog. Best to you as you work on A Life’s Work!
David Licata
Thanks, Niall, and thanks for your comment. I hope to see you around these parts again sometime soon.
And keep taking beautiful photographs.
Karin Jaschke
David, very interesting. I’m doing some work in architectural history on Arcosanti that ‘resonates’ with your notion of a ‘Life’s work’. It’s about writing history at different spatial and temporal scales and from a relational-ecological perspective. Will put up a basic blog soon, on
Good luck with your project, I look forward to watching it.
David Licata
I’m very interested in your work and would like to know more about it. When your blog is up, please let me know. I’d like to read more, and perhaps exchange links.
Thanks for visiting the blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I hope to see you around these parts again soon.
Momishka Johnson
I really enjoyed your interview with Paolo Soleri in the Probabilistic Universe. I used to make the ceramic bells there. It was my very favorite job ever in my life. I hope to someday carry on the tradition of what I learned there. The best part of buying one of those bells ceramic or bronze if that each person can find the sound that suits them best. Grazie ancora.
Momishka Johnson
David Licata
Hi Momishka,
This is just about the best comment that’s ever been left on the blog! Seriously. In three sentences you summed up what life is about: finding joy and meaning in your work and life, passing knowledge down to the next generation, and the value of art. These are THE themes of the documentary, and obviously, you get it!
If I may ask, when were you there and for how long? Also, did you see the one minute clip on the blog of the man carving the design in a bell in the ceramic apse? It might make you home sick!
I’m glad you liked the Soleri clip. There are many clips of him on the blog, and I’m hoping to finish the film in the next year, so look for it. In the meantime, please do feel free to leave more comments, or drop me a line via email d a v i d [ a t } b l o o d o r a n g e f i l m s [d o t} c o m.
Thanks so much for sharing your comment. You made my day. It is kind of ironic that such a comment should come just when I decide to give blogging a rest. Ironic, but also I can’t think of a better way to go out!
All the best, and thanks again.