NARRATIVE Films that Have Influenced My Documentary
[cross posted at] Rolando Teco, fearless leader of the blog Extra Criticum, threw down a challenge. Here is his comment to my post “Five Films that Influenced My Film.” David. I’m surprised that your list consists entirely of docs. … Continued
Five Documentaries That Influenced A Life’s Work
Because I have lists on the brain, here’s another: films that have had a huge impact on me in general, and on A Life’s Work in particular. Grey Gardens The first time I saw the Maysles’ Grey Gardens it made … Continued
Cloning Redwoods: A Longer Clip
Back in August of ’09 I linked to editor (and new dad!) Cabot Philbrick’s website. He had included a portion of the redwoods section on his reel. That clip was truncated and sized for Cabot’s web site. Here’s the whole … Continued
Top Posts of 2009
What’s the point of having a blog if you don’t post lists? And what’s the point of early January if you don’t compile a “best” or “most popular” list? So, in keeping with the insular nature of this blog, here … Continued
My Google alerts notified me of this very good article about an exhibit of Paolo Soleri’s work. But when I read the tagline, I had to smile: “Visionary architect unveils ecological architecture designs.” If you Google “visionary+Soleri” you’ll get more … Continued
“Will You Finish It in Your Lifetime?”
Sometime during the fourth year of production of A Life’s Work I recognized how long this film was going to take to complete and a joke was born: I’m making a film about people who may not complete their work … Continued
Prepare for Re-entry
I leave VCCA Sunday morning (weather permitting), hitching a ride back to NYC with my friend, the insanely talented writer, Jen V. Here’s what I had hoped to get done: “I plan on cutting the Robert Darden footage Wolfgang shot … Continued
The Secret of Life
Poet Donald Hall once asked the 88-year-old sculptor Henry Moore, “What is the secret of life?” Moore’s answer: “The secret of life is to have a task, something you devote your entire life to, something you bring everything to, every … Continued
Stay of Execution
If you read the “It’s Artist Residency Time” post, you’ll know what I hoped to get done during my stint here at VCCA. “So,” I can hear you ask, “how’s it going?” Slowly. My residency was scheduled for November 15 … Continued