What Makes Me Happy? An Artist Annual Pass
Yesterday I took a break from transcribing the latest interview with Robert Darden of the the Black Gospel Music Restoration Project and went to MoMA with my friend Danica N., a graphic novelist. I was eager to see the William … Continued
How Do You Find These People? Jill Tarter
I don’t remember when I first became aware of the SETI Institute. I have a feeling it was when I was in college in the early 80s. One of my suite-mates was an engineering major and had an interest in … Continued
A Perfect Image
This postcard caught my eye the other day. It’s for a documentary that is about to open in select theaters. I can’t tell you how much I love this image. It gives you all the information you need simply and … Continued
The Right Images
I sent off the most recent copy of A Life’s Work, the work-in-progress excerpt, to IFP’s market, Independent Film Week. (Deadline for their Spotlight on Documentaries, May 21, 2010). This was an opportunity for me to retool the packaging. Here’s … Continued
More Little Red Dots (Or Rather, Fewer Little Red Dots)
In Little Red Dots, (September 3, 2009) I mentioned my mini DV tape labeling system. Here’s an image from that post: And here’s an update: Seven more hours of footage shot, one and three-fourths dots used. So, how many more … Continued
This Old Guitar
A bunch of posts ago I revealed a wish list for A Life’s Work. Here’s number seven, This Old Guitar by Neil Young. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1neLvacIiQ4[/youtube] Mr. Young, don’t you think this beautiful song of yours would work well in A Life’s … Continued
The Director Sleeps Tonight – A Clip (that now works)
I’m logging footage these days and I came across this gem. (There’s no sound, so don’t go turning up your speakers. And I’m sending you to the film’s Facebook page with the hope that you’ll click the big “Like” button, … Continued
Aliens: Friendly or Hostile? You Tell Me.
Stephen Hawking has been getting a lot of press lately because of his statement that Earthlings should not try to communicate with extraterrestrials because they may pose a threat. Here’s a link to a fluffy ABC News piece. Here’s how … Continued
The Tango Guy
Recently, I went to a Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra concert and on the program was Holst’s The Planets. The orchestra was excellent and the “Mars” section is always exciting to hear. Afterward, a friend and I strolled along the promenade in … Continued
“What the Hey Were You Doing in Waco, Texas?” Part 1
Cinematographer Andy Bowley and I visited Robert Darden at Baylor University, home of the Black Gospel Music Restoration Project. Though I conducted an extensive interview with Robert in Chicago (see “What the Heck Were You Doing in Chicago?” Part 1), … Continued