More Photos of Playa
Here are some photos of my surroundings these days. Hope you enjoy them.
Dispatches from Playa
I’m one of eight artists here—four poets, a playwright-poet, a composer, a visual artist, and me. They are all fine, smart, talented and kind people. I like them all. We each have our own cabin with a studio, kitchen (you … Continued
Blow, Wind!
It’s been extremely windy here at Playa Summer Lake. Apparently, not uncommonly windy for the area, but definitely uncommonly windy for me. I’ve experienced high wind before. In fact, I think I live on one of the windiest blocks in … Continued
Sam Shepard, Pinned to My Corkboard
On Christmas Eve, a friend posted a Facebook status about her home’s plumbing catastrophe. We had a little exchange about it, including what she had to pay the plumber to take care of the problem. I don’t know how long … Continued
Interview with Filmmaker Aimee Madsen
In the spring of 2010, a Google Alert mentioned a documentary in production about Paolo Soleri that wasn’t A Life’s Work. I was curious and reached out to the filmmaker, Aimee Madsen. We’ve communicated since about each others’ work and … Continued
There I was, sitting on the downtown D train, completely transfixed by Steve Reich’s “Electric Guitar Phase,” when a man walked toward me handing out fliers. I caught a glimpse of one and had to take one. This may look … Continued
2011 – A Blog Recap
Which A Life’s Work’s posts were the most visited in 2011, you ask? Of the 100 or so posts written this year, here are the top 15: Los Straitjackets and Yasujiro Ozu Homage Ask the Filmmaker: The Ecstasy and the … Continued
A Present for You!
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”″] Me playing Erik Satie’s Gymnopiede No. 1. This is just my old, cheap guitar, recorded in my home. More classical guitar music here, here, and here.
The Forest: A Quote
The forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence that makes no demands for its sustenance and extends generously the products of its life activity; it provides protection to all beings, offering shade even to the axeman who … Continued
Ask the Filmmaker: The Hero’s Journey
I recently posted an article about Robert Darden on the A Life’s Work Facebook page. (There you will find news that is relevant to the subjects of the film but are not inspiration for blog posts. If you haven’t “Liked” … Continued