Trees as Timelines
I was recently out West where I saw this: Closer inspection revealed that this structure sheltered a large chunk of tree trunk. This was once the largest Ponderosa Pine tree. There are many of these tree-trunk-as-timelinse around the country, usually … Continued
Expertise? Expression!
When I was casting Tango Octogenario, I had to make a very big decision. The script called for 80-year-old tango dancers. The decision I had to make was do I cast actual octogenarians or do I go for younger dancers … Continued
A Quote from Samuel Beckett, The Playwright with the Best Hair Ever
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” Samuel Beckett
Do Scientists Pray? Albert Einstein Responds. So does Jill Tarter, in a Way
There’s a nifty website called Letters of Note. Two letters of note you’ll find there are an exchange between a sixth grader named Phyllis and Albert Einstein. Here’s the exchange, which LoN took from the book Dear Professor Einstein: Albert … Continued
Karen Dalton and A Life’s Work
Someone recently asked me how I choose the pop songs I play and sing. It usually works like this. I hear a song that I haven’t heard in a while but that I’ve always loved. This can be a song … Continued
Time + Distance
Around the turn of the millennium I took a drawing class. At one point I asked the teacher how he put distance between himself and his work. “I take several steps back.” He said. He understood I was asking him … Continued
Tourist Eyes – Kevin Nutt
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you may recall an interview with WFMU dj Kevin Nutt, he of Sinner’s Crossroads. Kevin provided many wonderful photographs to accompany the interview, but I held off using one because it seemed … Continued
On Vacation, See You in a Couple of Weeks
Your favorite blog is going on vacation for a little bit. It will return shortly. Try not to miss it too much.
A Quote About Exploration from T.S. Eliot
We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. from Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot About the photo: Earthrise Apollo 8, the … Continued
I Said, Jane Doe Tripod Said
In the last post (Filmmaker Clams) I introduced you to my sentient and very sensitive tripod — the Jane Doe Tripod. You may recall that Tripod had a voice and could, despite not having digits, send emails. I hadn’t heard … Continued