A Life’s Work was inspired by two events. When I was nine years old or so I remember being told that medieval cathedrals took hundreds of years to construct, that their architects would not see them completed, that generations of stonemasons would work on them, and this bit of information made quite an impression on my young mind. To this day, whenever I see a cathedral, I become that awestruck nine-year-old.
After completing my previous film, Tango Octogenario, I had decided I wanted to make a documentary. I had several ideas and was researching them. In September of 2004 my mother died after a lengthy battle with cancer. Sometime during the haze of my grief, this time of sorrow and contemplation about purpose and legacy, I thought about the cathedrals, and the idea for A Life’s Work was born.
See also: From Concept to First Day of Shooting.
There is still more to do. Like make a 56-minute version of the film for television.
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