Here and There
Inspired by the last Ask the Filmmaker post, I started thinking about the things I do at residencies that I don’t do in my real life, and vice-a-versa. Here are some lists for your perusal, because who doesn’t like lists? … Continued
Inspired by the last Ask the Filmmaker post, I started thinking about the things I do at residencies that I don’t do in my real life, and vice-a-versa. Here are some lists for your perusal, because who doesn’t like lists? … Continued
One of the books in my cabin is Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons. I am not reading it, but I am using it, along with a fly swatter, to eradicate the occasional wasp that trespasses into my space. These winter … Continued
Michael, an amazing amazing staff person here at Playa has informed me that pitchers and catchers have already reported to spring training. This brought to my mind my hapless Mets. And that brought to my mind Johan Santana. Have you … Continued
Dear Filmmaker, I’ve been reading your artist colony posts. What’s your average day like at an artist residency? KG Dear KG, Thanks for the question. My life is really quite boring when I’m at an artist residency. The days are all … Continued
February 15, 2012, The New York Times ran an article about Arcosanti. The impetus was Soleri’s retirement and his successor, Jeff Stein. (I blogged about this in the summer. Way to be on top of it, Times.) It’s a fair … Continued
Like any residency, Playa has a library. And like most residencies, Playa’s library contains some classics (Shakespeare, Twain), some unexpected gems (a collection of Audre Lorde poems), and a whole mess of regional books. There are books about fauna (Field … Continued
The Filmmaker looked at the lake through the kitchen window and said, “Jesus, how many photographs can I take of this lake?” The Poet stopped making his lunch and gazed out the window. “Look at it though,” he said, “it … Continued
I’m an artist residency whore. My friends know this and I am not ashamed. I hope to continue my whoring ways until the day I die, that’s how fond of the residency experience I am. Residencies come in all shapes … Continued
I thought of this post the other day. It seems as relevant now as it was then, so I thought I’d repost it. I had spent the previous days working on a grant proposal, and now that that was done … Continued