Filmmaker Clams
Years ago, a friend and I referred to running, inside jokes, phrases, or expressions as “clams.” I’m not sure where this came from, but I use it to this day. The process of filmmaking results in many clams. When I … Continued
Years ago, a friend and I referred to running, inside jokes, phrases, or expressions as “clams.” I’m not sure where this came from, but I use it to this day. The process of filmmaking results in many clams. When I … Continued
I’m honored to be interviewed about A Life’s Work for the fine online magazine Paper Tape. If you read this blog regularly, you may recall that Paper Tape published one of my short stories at the start of this year. When … Continued
When A Life’s Work secret weapon Christine Lofgren asked if I’d be interested in an interview with Adam Lore of the record label 50 Miles of Elbow Room, her I’d love it, but asked if she’d conduct the interview, since … Continued
Last week’s post, Please Forget Me, inspired a comment from friend and A Life’s Work subject Robert Darden: I teach my Journalism students that they need to be invisible when they do interviews. I don’t want them to speak much … Continued
I attended a holiday party at my day job not that long ago and one of the people attending was someone we interviewed. I say we, but I actually didn’t do the interviewing, my colleague did. I operated the camera. … Continued
Longtime friend and supporter of A Life’s Work, blog contributor, and all-around awesome guy Haroon Butt recently sent me an email. “Weird question. How did you decide the colors of your website? They really fit.” Not a weird question at all. In … Continued
What’s the filmmaker reading? Cash, by Johnny Cash, his second autobiography. Here’s a passage where he writes about his grandfather, John L. Rivers. It seemed relevant to this here blog so I thought I’d share it. … Long after Grandfather … Continued
In December 2013 the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture announced that it would be welcoming into its collections recordings from the Black Gospel Music Restoration Project, yes, the project started up by Robert Darden and featured … Continued