A Few of My Favorite (Less Obvious) Lines from A Life’s Work

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There are some statements in A Life’s Work that are slam dunks when it comes to memorability. Robert Darden’s “Okay, I need more faith,”* comes to mind as does Jill Tarter’s explanation of what drives SETI scientists.

WELL … I think if my colleagues and I got out of bed every morning and said, “Today we’re going to get a signal!”
We’d probably go to bed every night disappointed. So we get out of bed in the morning with the idea that we’re going to use what we’ve learned yesterday to make the search better, to have a higher probability of succeeding.
So for us there is a continual measure of success and that is how much better we are searching than we have in the past.

But here are some less obvious humdingers.

You can tell that really was loved.
Tony Tadey of the Black Gospel Music Restoration Project examining a battered 45 rpm single.

Oh, I don’t know, I think I’m just the SETI lady, right?
Jill Tarter’s response to the question, “Do you think you’re a visionary?”

Take care, man.
Clerk at Hyde Park Records to Robert Darden as he leaves the store with an armful of albums.

Well… it’s quite a tree.
Bartlett Tree Expert climber about a redwood he scaled in Roy’s Redwood Preserve.

If we could save one of those climbing plants, that would make somebody very happy.
Paolo Soleri about new construction that might affect an existing vine at Arcosanti.

He liked the floor.
Paolo Soleri’s recollection of Frank Lloyd Wright’s response to Dome House.

The fact is Chicago isn’t going to be finished in my lifetime either. And nor is New York or Tokyo or Tampa, Florida. These cities are so much bigger than the lifespan of any human.
Jeff Stein speaking about Arcosanti’s state of unfinished-ness.

    * One of the most moving experiences I’ve had screening this film happened at the Kansas City International Film Festival. I was introduced for the Q&A and as I made my way from the back of the theater to the stage, I passed an audience member on her way out who said, “Ok, I need more faith.”
    “Oh my god, thank you!” I said to her back as she continued toward the exit.

    * * Not only is this one of my favorite quotes from the film, but it begins with one of my favorite shots of all the talking heads bit, with Jill looking down, hand on her chin for a second or two before she utters a word. It’s one of those moments where you can tell the person is collecting their thoughts, and I love that. Thank god I had given up on the idea of no talking heads.

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