It’s time for another installment of “Ask the Filmmaker!”
JC asked this on the A Life’s Work Facebook page.
Dear Filmmaker: Just wondering how Paolo Soleri dying will affect your very interesting film A Lifes Work?

Soleri’s death in April, 2013 saddened me a great deal, but life, and the film, goes on. And since the film is about WORK that people won’t see completed in their lifetime, Soleri’s death concretizes this idea in a very real and dramatic way. I hope that doesn’t sound cold, but that’s what I’m left with given the circumstances.

It also makes Soleri’s successor, Jeff Stein, AIA, a more prominent figure in the film. I always thought a major theme was “standing on the shoulders of giants,” and now I have the opportunity to show that. I had a feeling when I interviewed Stein in December, 2012 that he would play an important part in the film. Now I’m sure of it. Which is not to say I know at this point how to use his interview most effectively. I’m still trying to work that out.
Thanks for the question, JC. And thanks for your support.
(a.k.a. the Filmmaker)