These things are on the top most shelf in my linen closet.

They are prints and elements of films I made, 8 1/2 x 11 and Tango Octogenario
Sometimes I see them up there and I’m very proud. I’m reminded of the fun I had making them, of all the people I met because of them, of traveling to the film festivals where they were shown — New York, Berlin, London, Los Angeles, Taos, Denver, Baltimore, and many many more places.
Sometimes seeing them makes me a little sad. I think, Is that all there is? All that labor and sweat for what? So they can wind up on the unreachable shelf in the closet?
Sometimes seeing them reminds me of how much work I have to do (and money to raise) before I will have elements and prints of A Life’s Work.
And sometimes I think even when A Life’s Work does join them, there will be days when I think, Is that all there is?
Of course, there will be days when I will be proud and reminded of the people the film introduced me to and places I went because of it. (Actually, there are already days when I’m proud of it and etc.)
Here’s Peggy Lee talking/singing Is That All There Is? (It’s abridged, but the double exposure can’t be beat.)