So, what were the most popular posts written in 2012? I’m glad you asked.

Crowdfunding and A Life’s Work: Advice from a Consultant
Six Questions for Jeff Stein, President of Cosanti
Get Thee to an Artist Residency! Advice from an “Expert”
Designing SETI Institute Graphics: Guest Blogger Danielle Futselaar
Her Life’s Work – By Kate Hill Cantrill, Guest Blogger
Time, Nature, Mortality … “A Life’s Work” by Guest Blogger John Yearley
The Man Who Planted Trees, Guest Blogger Jim Robbins
Dispatches from Playa: Summer Lake
Editing a Setback Sequence – Process
Unlikely and Sneaky Inspiration
Guest Blogger Jessica Roth: Arcosanti and the Writing Process
Happy New Year to all who have visited, read, and commented. And an extra big thanks again to the guest bloggers (five are on this list!) — you make this a much more interesting place.