“What the Hey Were You Doing in Chicago?” Part 4

Forgetting things, apparently. Such as a release from the person I went there to see. I hustled to get releases from everyone else, from the people in Captain’s Hard Time Restaurant, from the employees and shoppers at Hyde Park Records, and from the people Robert Darden interviewed. But I did not get one from Robert himself. I kept telling myself, “I’ll get it tomorrow.” And of course tomorrow came and I was back in NYC and without a signed release.

People Get Ready: A New History of Black Gospel Music by Robert Darden
People Get Ready: A New History of Black Gospel Music by Robert Darden

I also forgot to get Robert to sign a copy of his book, People Get Ready, which I brought with me from home.

Fortunately, the United States Post Office is still in business. I mailed them to him and he mailed them back.

His inscription:

To David Licata:

A craftsman w/ the soul of a poet! Thanks for making the BGMRP part of your vision.

Robert Darden

Psalm 66:1

I don’t know my Psalms, so I looked it up.

“Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth”

I can get behind that.

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