Tourist Eyes – William W. Heffner

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William W. Heffner, friend and A Life’s Work’s secret weapon (many of the links and photos on the ALW Facebook page are posted by Bill) sent me some photos he took with his tourist eyes.

Bill writes:

On a warm summer night leisurely walking home I came across this tableau and it just struck me to be part Greek tragedy, part Peter Paul Rubens, with a whole lot of Twilight Zone thrown in for good measure.  I just took them on my phone, and at first glance you’d never know they were color photographs — only a neon sign in some of them betrays that. This window is the complete opposite of what we expect:  color, fashion, something new and exciting.

I love these photos. In addition to Peter paul Rubens and the Twilight Zone, they remind me of a Roxy Music cover (or several), and to me, that’s a winning combination.

Thanks, Bill.

Send me a photo of something in the place you live, taken with your tourist eyes, and I’ll put it on the blog [if you want], and I’ll send you an origami crane. You can attach it to an email:
d a v i d [ a t ] b l o o d o r a n g e f i l m s ( d o t ) c o m .

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