Music? You Got It.

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I created a Music Page, now links to all the posts that contain me playing classical guitar are easily accessible. It’s right there on the left, and will remain there for good. So if you need to hear me noodling on the guitar, you know where to go. Think of it as one-stop shopping.

My guitar makes itself at home in the MacDowell Colony's New Hampshire studio.

I’m hoping to add more music soon. I’ve been practicing a short piece by Henry Purcell that might work out. I’m also thinking of adding one of the longer Villa Lobos pieces in my repertoire, but I like to record them and not edit them, and with the Villa Lobos I’m more apt to stumble. But if you don’t mind hearing mistakes, it might not be so bad.

So seriously, does hearing mistakes ruin it for you? Do you only want to hear mistake-free renditions?

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