Dispatches from Playa: What’s the Filmmaker NOT Reading?

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One of the books in my cabin is Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons.

I am not reading it, but I am using it, along with a fly swatter, to eradicate the occasional wasp that trespasses into my space. These winter wasps are slow and stupid, but their exoskeletons make them difficult to kill with a FLYswatter alone. So I use the swatter to pin it against the surface (usually the south-facing window) and then squash it with Brown’s book.

Note: I wrote this post last week. Since then I’ve kept the swatter and book in a prominent, wasp-viewable place and interestingly, I have not seen another wasp in my cabin. This could be due to the fear that Dan Brown inspires in wasps, or it could be due to the black and yellow flannel shirt I wear when I write — I may look like a scary, giant wasp to them. I suppose it could be something else, too. But my money is on Dan Brown.

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