A Filmmaker’s Progress

posted in: The Film | 8

My residency at the MacDowell Colony ended March 19. So did I accomplish what I had hoped to accomplish?

My worn out map of the MacDowell Colony.

Yes and no. I selected the sit down content for the remaining two-thirds of the film. I erred on the long side, including whatever I thought may be used even if it was redundant, and I didn’t do much fine cutting. I read through the transcripts of these selex (don’t ask me why editors spell it this way, they just do) and jotted down an image wish list. Mostly this list was based on my first impression—or rather, my first impression in this context; I’ve read the entire transcript many times but not as an edited entity. (They are very different experiences.) I did spend more time on the Black Gospel Music Restoration Project sections because shooting resumes in Waco, TX soon.

What I did not do is weave the storylines together. That’s a colossal task, since the options are practically infinite. If I had two more weeks I would have started down this road.

Other work: revised a couple of short stories. Made a conceptual piece of art and accompanying video that was won by a reader of this blog, and yes, honed my skills in the sport of kings, ping pong. I was frequently trounced by Yotam, Jerome, Alex, and Matt, but managed to hold my own against the rest. My doubles record was much more impressive than singles.

Big giant thanks to everyone at MacDowell–staff and artists–for their support. It was because of you that I had a productive and unforgettable six weeks.

8 Responses

  1. John J Metzdorf

    Can`t wait for the finished product!If you ever finish this documentary in your life time.If you do finish,it may be in good order to do a new documentary on the great sport of ping pong.

  2. David Licata

    Hi John,

    I’ll finish someday, good lord willing and if the waters don’t rise and all that.

    A documentary on ping pong… hmmm … there could be something there…

    Thanks for reading and commenting!

    Rock on.

  3. Haroon

    Sounds like fun David. I want to play you at ping pong one day.

    • David Licata

      It was. Missing it big time right now.

      Two questions. Did you grow up with a ping pong table in your basement and how’s your forehand?

  4. Jane Deschner

    Knowing you, you will be off to another wonderful residency before long! Welcome back to the real world…(or as I almost typed, the real whorl…)

  5. David Licata

    Real whorl, indeed!

    Waiting to hear from Ucross and Blue Mountain Center. A summer residency would be a nice change of pace.

  6. Haroon

    I did not grow up with a ping pong table, unfortunately. But my forehand is not too shabby.

    Ok I admit, it is very shabby.

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